Saturday, February 22, 2025

Applications that turn up the volume on your cell phone


There are some applications that increase the volume on your cell phone and are ideal for these videos or audio messages that cannot be heard clearly, which makes them a powerful sound device. 

Despite its reduced size, it is possible to enjoy clear sound from your mobile phones, you just need to make some adjustments to the device and download some of the apps that we will present.

Apps that help you increase the volume on your cell phone

There are other tricks that will help you to increase the volume on your cell phone, for example: open the screen where the phone numbers are dialed and write the code *#*#3646633#*#*.

Then the Engineer Mode will appear and you will have to swipe to get to Hardware Testing. In this menu, you must search for Audio>Volumen>Audio Playback. And you will see the menus that unfold and a text box.


In the first menu, select which part is where you want to increase the volume. In the second menu, select the Speaker option and the text box will write the maximum volume that allows the mobile and press “Set” at the bottom.

Music Volumen EQ

If you can customize. Some of the functions include live music, measuring VU LED, five-band equalizer, bass, amplifier, control to lower and increase volume.

Speaker Booster App

Thanks to this application you can increase the volume on speakers and headphones. The increase will be between 15 and 30%. Maybe I don't reach the mitad, but it's something rather than nothing.


It works in three ways: Line-out to improve the audio of peripherals, Built-in that improves the audio of the speaker and Wireless that helps to improve the sound of wireless devices.

Bass Boot

Using this technological tool, you can increase the volume of your iPhone and iPad. Finally, it gives a great sound effect on the sound player.


Kaiser Tone-Audio Player

It is considered one of the best applications for iOS users to improve sound quality on their devices. It's a quick application that allows you to hear high quality sound output, greater than 4000 decibels.

GOODEV volume amplifier

It's an external app to increase the volume on your cell phone. Maybe your model isn't as sophisticated as others, but it has very useful options. It allows you to amplify it more than you can. Of course, you have to be careful with what you set up because it could damage your eardrums or the speakers of your phone.

Volume enhancer

The design of this application can be changed and you can place different themes. The developers took care of the aesthetic part of the application more than others.


Of course, you also have functions like increasing the volume from 100 to the 160%. You can also manipulate the music player from the app.

Music at full volume

All of these are excellent options that you should consider if you want to increase the volume on any device. Sometimes it's the perfect solution to end the low volume problem that some mobile devices have.

Some applications can be found on the Play Store and others on the App Store. It all depends on the device you have available.

It is also useful to consider purchasing a portable bluetooth speaker. It's quite convenient because you can carry it in any pocket and connect it to your phone. It doesn't cover a lot of space, it optimizes the sound quality and you can enjoy your favorite music at a louder volume.


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