Monday, March 10, 2025

Apps to listen to your baby's heart


In these important moments when a baby is about to come, the joy and excitement of knowing everything about the embarassment are immense and I suppose the advances in technology have been developed tools like the apps to listen to the barking of the baby's heart in the environment maternal.

From the sixth week of pregnancy you will have the possibility thanks to these advances to enjoy this wonderful process of growing your baby with peace of mind and for this there is more than one application, both for Android and iOS, so that you can choose your favorite .

Listen to baby heart barks with apps

Practical, easy to use and safe, these are the apps that we now present so you can hear your baby's barks:

My baby's beat

With this app on the ground you will hear your baby's barks from your iPhone, just recording them thanks to its base algorithm that captures the sound with your smartphone's microphone and imitates the medical stethoscope.


It is capable of amplifying the sounds of the barking of the baby's heart, which is great, but the only detail is that you can only use it from the last trimester and embarrassment.


This is an app with two versions: one free and one paid for which has the possibility of listening to your baby's barks since week 24 of embarazo on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

Even only future mothers are using this application, which a multitude of doctors have downloaded, replacing the traditional stethoscope.

With iStethoscope you only need your Apple device, a pair of headphones to listen to your baby's heart and activate the iOS settings so that it can capture barking.


This paid app, which is only compatible with the iOS operating system, will allow you to listen to your baby's heart barks and also observe them in a graph.


The main virtue that poses this app in relation to others is that it produces an image showing your baby's heart rate. The only thing you need is your iPhone or iPad and a pair of normal headphones to listen to your baby's heart.


Without a doubt, it is the most complete of all the options, on the ground to listen to the baby's barks, but also as an app to embarrass you.

This application will give you daily and weekly information about the evolution of your pregnancy, the development of your baby, and will even give you the possibility of taking PDF control of your condition, symptoms and contractions.


In addition to posing fantastic 3D images, it will allow you to hear the baby's bark from the 9th week of pregnancy and is free for both iOS and Android.

Womb Beats

This is a unique app that gives you the ability to listen to your baby's barks. With it you can create a presentation with a soundtrack and share images with your own sound.

As you cannot detect heart barking, you must record the sound that the Doppler gives you during visits to the gynecologist, so you ask for permission to do so.  

You can choose from these recordings at most to create your soundtrack, and you can add background music to which you will need to synchronize it and customize your favorite slides with images of your embarazo.

Finally, you will have a short 30-second video that will remind you of those wonderful moments to share on social networks and with your family.


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